173 responses to “PAST COMMENTS”

  1. Lea-Sophie says:

    Hello Mrs. Kuipers
    My name is lea and i read your book .Life on the Refrigerator is a great book. I have so many questions for you. I would like to know what happend to Claire? And with Peter?.I would be happy about an answer.

    In great admiration you Lea-Sophie.

    • alicekuipers says:

      Hi Lea-Sophie,
      I think the best thing about a book is how it makes you wonder what happened to the characters afterwards. I like to think that Claire is doing well now, and that Peter moved in with Claire’s father… what do you think happened to them? Thanks for your enthusiasm.
      Best wishes,

  2. Nancy Brown says:

    I just finished Violet and Victor story! I love it ! I am an elementary library aide and can’t wait to share with my students this year during storytime. Thank you for writing a wonderful story!

  3. Angela Fillioe says:

    Good evening!! While I’m sure you’ve turned in for the night, I’ve got a couple questions. I’m an avid freelance writer, and while I absolutely love what I do I am really interested in getting my name out there. Do you have any suggestions? As well as I’d love to send you a piece or two I’ve done, is this possible??

    • alicekuipers says:

      Hi – sorry it took a while for me to reply. I’ve been busy working on edits. First of all, I think the best thing to do is to write lots, and as a freelance writer, you need to pitch constantly. Apparently for every thirty pitches you might get some interest. Send ideas to lots of places and accept widely if work is offered to start building a portfolio. I’m not a freelance writer, so I’m not sure I have much more useful advice here, but I wish you lots of luck. Send me links to work you’ve done and I’ll try to have a look at it between finishing my edits and having out with my four children ;-) Best wishes, Ali

  4. Your books sound amazing! I cannot wait for my copies to arrive so I can dive in.

  5. Sharon Baker says:

    Hi Alice,
    This is a bit of a left field idea, but worth asking anyway! We produce award winning educational dramas for schools. We are making a series of 1 minute films to introduce topics to help 15-16 year olds manage money better. The films are based around 3 16 year old characters in certain scenarios, like going to the prom, buying a motorbike etc. We have built in some love interest too! We are looking for a screenwriter to write some authentic dialogue. It’s not something you would be interested in discussing is it?

    Thanks a lot


  6. Summer Ford says:

    I am a 5th grade teacher and I have a student who wrote you a letter. Would you be willing to send me your mailing address??? Thank you!

    • alicekuipers says:

      I sent you an email with my address – please let me know if it didn’t get to you.
      Warm wishes,

  7. sarah says:

    hi, I love your books and read them all!!!
    do you have some tips to write a book? since last year, I really wanted to write a book but I don’t know where to start or if my story is good.

    • alicekuipers says:

      Here are my tips:
      1- read lots and read as many different types of books as you can. You’ll see how other writers have done it and get ideas for your own work.
      2- write lots and then write more. It takes a long time to tell the story you need to tell but the more you write, the easier it gets to find that story.
      3- have faith. There will always be people who don’t like what you write. But that doesn’t mean your story isn’t worth telling. Keep going and good luck.
      Thanks for your note!

  8. gavin from Mrs.addleys class says:

    hi Alice my name is gavin you may know my grandma katheen friesen
    she write`s books to i like your book the best book wom book ever!

  9. Jeremy says:


    Your post on Ten Tips For Writing Children’s Picture Books was helpful. Thanks for the advice!


  10. Hi Alice,

    Many thanks for your inspiring and informative CBI seminar, which inspired
    a post called “Self-editing Strategy” on my motivational blog for writers.
    The link is below: I hope you enjoy it!

    Write on,
    Karin Abarbanel

  11. Hi Alice,

    I really enjoyed your CBI webinar. It inspired a post called “Self-editing Strategy” on my motivational blog for writers — hope you enjoy it!
    I am writing a MG historical fantasy and found your advice very
    valuable — thank you! Karin

    • alicekuipers says:

      Thanks – I read it today and I really enjoyed your blog. Good luck with your writing. Do keep me updated and let me know how it goes!

  12. cindy gish says:

    I want to write a book about my granddaughter she is special needs and I need some info about how to write a book should I just tell her story im a first time writer please email me back with some pointers

    • alicekuipers says:

      The best thing to do is to start writing first of all – get the words down and then you have something to work with. Worry later on about edits and making the text perfect. First find your story and tell it as only you know how. After that begins the work of editing the book, asking other people to read it to help you make it better, figuring out what type of book it is – if it’s a picture book then making sure it follows the conventions of that type of book, for example. Read widely and make sure you know what else is out there to inspire, inform and illuminate your writing. And have faith – keep writing and keep working on your book to make it the best it can be. Good luck.

  13. Jake Ball says:

    Hi Alice,

    I own We’re an online store that is 100% dedicated to juvenile literature.

    We constantly strive to promote high-quality new books to our users through our Reviews page. We greatly enjoyed The Yeti Files #1 and we congratulate you on its release. We have reviewed the book and posted the review here:

    We will post a blurb about the book on our Facebook page and tweeted about within the next two days.

    We are fans of 40 Things I Want to Tell you and The Death of us. It’s great to see that you carry the same level of excellent writing to a younger audience with this book.

    We’ll do our best to sell many copies of Violet and Victor Write the Best-Ever Bookworm Book!

    Please feel free to call or email me with any questions.

    Jake Ball


    • alicekuipers says:

      Thank you very much! I really appreciate your feedback and comments. (Although I’m not sure about The Yeti Files;-)!!!) I loved reading your review of Victor and Violet – it’s great to feel the support of a bookstore like yours. Thanks again. Ali

  14. Nikki Mowbray says:

    The death of us. This book was amazing, and I wanted to sy thank you for sending me a signed copy! I’m really upset I missed your talking and writing workshop at Bellerose Compisite High school, st.albert , AB! This book really opened my eyes, and also scared me because I’ve gone through something similar but without the ending.

    • alicekuipers says:

      Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed the book! And I’m glad your copy arrived. Sorry not to meet you in person. One day…

  15. Sade Brown says:

    Hi there,

    I was looking for a series of writing prompts to start a segmant on my blog, and this was perfect. I will be starting this week (1/18) with your writing prompts. I’ll be promoting your page and prompts. If you want to check out my website, feel free! Thank you for creating a hub for creatives and a space where we can challenge our minds.

    God bless,

  16. Morgan Tannis says:

    Dear Alice,
    I had attended a writing workshop you had led for the students in the Actual programs during my grade 7th year. I enjoyed the workshop dearly, and greatly valued what you had taught me about writing during those few days.

    I recently wrote a short story which I would like to polish and edit. If you have the time, that would mean the world to me if you could take a look at it, and provide some suggestions.



    • alicekuipers says:

      Hi Morgan – this comment just came through and I have no idea why it took so long to get to me! If you still want me to look at the story, find me on Facebook and write to me there!

  17. Bessie says:

    Dear Alice,
    I read your book “40 Things I Want To Tell You” two months ago. It was very interesting and I am really in love with it. I just want to ask you some questions about the book and I don’t know know how to contact with you. Please send me an e-mail to ask you all the questions, because it’s really important for me.

    • alicekuipers says:

      Please find me on Facebook and message me there directly and I’ll answer. Sorry it took a while to reply – I’ve been getting the new site up and running and getting the comments page tweaked. I’ll send you an email too – Ali

  18. Jennifer says:

    P.S. I love your writing prompts. I am absolutely going to use them with my classes this year!

  19. Jennifer says:

    Hi, Ms. Kuipers:
    I just started 40 Things I Want to Tell You, and I’m loving it so far–so thanks!! I just finished my first YA novel, and now I’m beginning the editing process. I’m an English teacher, so the idea of fixing mechanical errors isn’t a problem (especially since I’ve got a few very kind colleagues editing it along with me). What worries me, though, is that the story might be missing something in terms of form/character development that I (or one of my colleagues) haven’t recognized. So, I guess my question to you is–do you have any tricks when it comes to editing your own work effectively? Or, in other words, how do you fix a mistake you don’t know you made??

    • alicekuipers says:

      Here are five things to think about when editing (sorry it took me a while to reply – I only just saw the comment):
      1- Read The Artful Edit by Susan Bell. It’s terrific and will really help.
      2- Read your book aloud.
      3- Listen to that voice inside telling you what doesn’t work. MAKE notes on what it says then spend a few days with those notes before making big changes.
      4- Be brave – big changes are hard but sometimes shift the book into a new place.
      5- Get other readers (sounds like you already have). Ask them – where did you put the book down?

      Also – ask: what is my character’s motivation here? Is it true to them? To a reader?

      It’s really hard without an editor and you can always find a good freelance editor to give you honest advice – here in Saskatachewan we have the SWG but having a good look online will lead you to many, many editors who work freelance and who can give you good advice. Look at their recommendations and talk to them before you make any decisions – careful not to hire someone who isn’t great. It’s a big investment but you may decide it’s worth it…

      Good luck!

  20. Helene says:

    Hi Alice. I’m Helene, I’m fifteen years old, and I’ve just finished your book “Life on the Refrigerator” for the second time. My mom just got diagnosed with breast cancer, and the book is really helping me appreciate the life I have with my mom. I just want to thank you so much for that.

    • alicekuipers says:

      I replied a long time ago, Helene, but my comment was lost and I’m sorry for that. Thank you for sharing your kind words. I hope you’re mother is in remission now. Warmest wishes, Ali

  21. Valerie Ziegler says:

    Dear Alice,
    I left you a personal message on your Facebook page only because I didn’t know how else to contact you. Thank you for your time. – Valerie

  22. sherry stephens says:

    I have two picture books I put away, the moment my small children left a few years ago. I’m back at that place I find myself every year, only this time I have a new found hope and very strong desire not only get these two completed, but so many more butterflies just waiting to bloom. My Achilles heal will be punctuation and lack of knowledge. Thank you for the wonderful tips.. Every little positive push helps me further.

  23. Alexis says:

    Dear Ms.Kuipers,
    I am a 16 year old girl from Canada. I really love your life story and I am looking into starting up a summer workshop for young writers such as myself. I was looking for writers who would be good to learn from and I thought of you. I am wondering if and when it would be possible to arrange a Skype call with you.
    Thank you for your time,

  24. Alexis says:

    Dear Ms.Kuipers,
    I am a 16 year old girl from Canada. I really love your life story and how you run Girls Life. I am looking into starting up a summer workshop for young writers such as myself. I was looking for writers who would be good to learn from and I thought of you. I am wondering if and when it would be possible to arrange a Skype call with you. Please email me back at
    Thank you for your time,

  25. Jacqui Bishop says:

    Could you please tell me how you pronounce your last name. I’m guessing Ky-purs?

    Thank you,

  26. Jacqui Bishop says:

    Could you please tell me the correct pronunciation of your last name. I’m guessing Ky-purs.

    Thank you,
    Jacqui Bishop

  27. Chaela D. says:

    I have read two of your books and they have both been so inspiring to me as a young (wanna be) writer. I have always enjoyed writing (particularly romance-fiction) but nothing ever really prompted me to actually try and write a book before. So I am glad to say that last night I officially started. I feel although I can really connect to your books sort of on a subconscious level (does that make sense?) And I think also its nice knowing that the author of the book i’m reading isn’t somewhere off in LA or something signing autographs, its that you are right here in my hometown! So, once again, thank you for being you and writing such great books, because if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t be writing my own!

    Hearing back from you would be such a pleasure, but I understand if you don’t have time.

    -Chaela D.

  28. Darinda Winston says:

    HI Alice I just came across your article and it’s really awesome the great thing’s you have been able to do with your passion. I was wondering do u write your title’s first before you finish your book itself.

  29. Aina Keitin Johansson says:

    I cant find LIfe on a refrigerator in Swedan.
    I want the book for ma grandchild.
    Can you help me?
    Can be in English.
    With best regards

  30. sulli chase says:

    I like the book very much it was cool and exciting.
    I liked how you made the book and how everything
    Happened through the story. I would love to read other
    Story’s you wrote. I liked the book very much it is a
    Good book. And I recommend it for other people.
    I think you are a good author and you’re good at
    Writing good books about real life things.I really enjoy your book.

  31. Blair Fornwald says:

    Dear Alice,

    Just a heads up that the Dunlop Art Gallery is currently looking into the feasibility of offering the Mind the Gap! catalogue as a full-colour eBook. The catalogue provides a timely and compelling overview of the range of current aesthetic and literary practice in Saskatchewan, and we think it would be a great addition to the growing number of Saskatchewan-published eBooks, bringing it to a wider audience. I hope you agree!

    As a shared copyright holder, we are doing our due diligence to contact writers for this publication to let them know about this initiative and to answer any questions or field any concerns that might arise.
    Blair Fornwald
    Assistant Curator, Dunlop Art Gallery

  32. Amy Draper says:

    Hi Alice

    I was wondering whether I’d be able to email you? I’m a London based theatre director and have a proposal I’d love to run by you!


    PS I already tried submitting this once and it disappeared so apologies if it reappears and there are two comments from me.

  33. Pawan Kumar says:

    i want to your help in writing.
    may you help mea.

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Hi Pawan,
      Sorry it took me so long to reply. The best advice I can give you is to write lots, read lots, and believe in yourself. Good luck with your writing!

  34. Pawan Kumar says:

    i am interested to write a sad story and i want to become a writer.
    i want to help you plz help me to achieve my dream

  35. AliceKuipers says:

    Contact email:
    All photo content on this site is released under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license

  36. Anonymous says:

    Hi!!!! Your book “40 things i want to tell you” was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Are you going to write any book for my age(17)?? Please answer me,you are incredible!! I am a massive fan of yours!! From Greece with love!!!!!

  37. Lifelong learner says:

    We did not see an email on the UofT site. My sister and I are interested in taking your course this fall and wondered if we could work together on our assignments as we would like to work together in the creation of children’s stories. Thanks in advance for your response. We are very interested in taking your course, are short on time and interested in making the assignments practical.

  38. Micaela says:

    Hey Alice Kuipers,

    I have read Life on the refrigerator door and I loved it sooooo much. How do you come with stuff to right about??? How do you come up with the tittle of the story??? How old were you when you wrote your first book??? Can you please help me with writing my very 1st book! Can you please write back and tell me….LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!! Love from your number 1 fan-Micaela
    P.S-Can we be friends?!?

  39. lolo says:

    Hi Alice,
    I wanted to say that i’m a great fan of yours,i have read the life on the refrigerator door and i loved it.Now i’m reading The worst thing she ever did.I think it’s a good idea to help teenagers like me to become authors.
    Good luck with all your writings,i hope you will continue writing.
    ps:Sorry if i made mistakes it is because i’m french:)

  40. Emma says:

    Hi Alice! I read your book Life On The Refrigerator Door (loved it) and decided to use it to complete a challenge for the Calgary Public Library Youth Read program. The challenge was to write an alternate ending…so I thought I’d share mine with you!

    Challenge 2: Alternate Ending
    Week 3: Meanwhile at the Library…
    Posted Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:29 AM by Emma B. on Youth Read 2013

    Life On The Refrigerator Door: A Novel In Notes by Alice Kuipers

    I am soooooo glad you got to come home from the hospital today! I told you that you’d be a survivor. Hey, I was thinking we could do something together tonight?
    Claire-Bear xxx

    I’d love to go on a walk with you tonight. We can finally talk about something other than my cancer. You should know, the doctor still wants me to come in often just to make sure nothing changes and the cancer doesn’t come back. Oh, Claire, thank you for being with me through this. I don’t know why I ever tried to keep you out of it – you were all I needed to stay strong.
    See you at 7!
    Love Mom

  41. Shannon says:

    Hi Alice,
    My friend follows your prompts. I’d like to get back into writing and was wondering how do I get the prompts sent to me?



    • AliceKuipers says:

      Hi Shannon,
      Either check the website or get the app, which gets all the new prompts (and has a loads and loads more) or subscribe to the feed (see the homepage for the RSS symbol. I always post on twitter when I update the site too!
      Good luck with your writing. I hope the prompts are useful.


  42. Svetlana Ruthielette Lumapas says:

    Hi Miss Alice :) i’ve read one of your books , “The Worst Thing She Ever did” to be exact :) and the story was very great :)
    I’m 15 years old and i just want to tell you that you’re one of my inspiration of becoming a writer :) i am starting to write my own stories but i can’t finish it :( for me it turns out fail , whenever i think of something i just go write it down but when i ran out of things to say i want to give up already :( im scared to post it i think i cant do it , but when i read your writing tips , i’ll follow it ^_^ thankyou Ms. Alice :) Godblessyou!

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words – and good luck with your own writing. I’m glad these tips are helpful!

  43. Michael Blouin says:

    Hi Alice,

    Thanks so much for blurb and link!



  44. Harshit Gupta says:

    I read your book, Life on the Refrigerator Door, some four years ago, sitting in a bookstore. However, the book touched me deeply, and a year and half ago I gifted a copy to my big sister. And tomorrow, I’m planning to host a small event at a local ‘write club’ where I’m gonna try to make people write in that style. It’s been a big influence, hope to read that book once again someday soon. Thanks for this one. :)

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thank you very much. It’s really nice to hear this – and to see what you’ve been doing with the book as a reader AND as a writer.

  45. Patty Boyenko says:

    Hello Alice!

    I am the teacher from Vonda who brought 2 students to see you at the Public Library in Saskatoon. I have a Creative Writing student again this semester. I was wondering if it would be possible to meet with you again? We could meet you in Saskatoon, over coffee. Or are you available to come to Vonda as a presenter? I could arrange for other interested students to join the class and pay you for your time.
    Please let me know if you are interested.
    home 258-2259
    school 258-2181
    cell 270-2077

    Thank you,

  46. Carlene Walter says:

    Hello Alice,

    Saskatoon Public Schools would like to invite Yann and yourself to a celebration of books. Please email me at or so I can send you the details.

    Thank you.
    Carlene Walter

  47. Bella says:

    Hi Alice. I bought life on the refrigerator door when I was ten. When I got home from the book t store I read it and I was so hooked I got barely any sleep. I never really liked reading but your book was just amazing and inspirational. Now I am nearly 14 and I am reading your book for the fifth time! All my friends loved your book too. How can you just think up such great ideas??? I have also stared writing a book of my own. Thank you so much for inpiring me to like reading and writing. Bella :)

  48. Allan says:

    Alice, your presence transforms the classroom – my students are fortunate to have shared some time with you. Thank you for visiting and for the writing prompts. We’ll be occupied for the rest of the year with those treasures!

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thanks, it was great to meet your class. Please thank them for all the help with the book ;-)

  49. Michelle Dona says:

    Dear Alice,

    I couldn’t put “Life on the Refrigerator Door” down. I laughed, cried, and even gave leftovers to my children for dinner … you get the picture. Thank you for such a moving work! Then, I picked up “The Worst Thing She Ever Did” – wow, what a ride! Thank you for so beautifully detailing Sophie’s first twelve months without her sister. You once again kept me turning the pages, having to know Sophie would find the strength to confront the truth. Once more I cried as Sophie and her mum went to to the memorial. You have a wonderful ability to move your readers.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you – I look forward to more of your writing!

    Kindest Regards,
    Michelle Dona

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thank you so much for your kind comments. It’s so nice to hear from readers and to feel connected again with the books I’v written. Warmest wishes, Alice

  50. Demi Bernice Eslit says:


    I am Demi Bernice Eslit. I have been a writer seven years now and it has always been my dream. I haven’t read any of your books yet but I entered the Wattpad Workshop. I’ll keep an eye on your book soon! :) But I am afraid I can not right away. I am actually a Filipina & I am dying to publish my own novel someday :) I have always wanted to write one. I hope I could do better in writing by following your tips on this website. I hope you could give me an advice too. A 17 year old like me who’s trying my best to write needs more pieces of advice from an exceptional author like you :) How I wish I could lend you a copy of my own novel someday & hear comments about it.

    Good day & God Bless You! :)

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Good luck with your writing – and thank you for the comments. I’m glad you participated in the Wattpad workshop and I hope the tips and advice I share there and on my website continue to help you. I can’t give any more individual advice as I have two small children and my own books to write, but I wish you luck!

  51. Sasha Amber says:

    I read Life on the Refrigerator Door and loved it. It was such a simple way to tell a story yet it almost made me cry. I’ve been writing stories since I was six, and I have high hopes of becoming a journalist one day. Have you any tips on how to develop a story, besides using dialogue? I seem to be having trouble writing recently as I struggle to write anything besides the character’s conversation and what they do while they speak.

    Thank you :)

    • AliceKuipers says:

      There’s nothing wrong with developing a story using only dialogue. Plays are a beautiful medium for storytelling. My advice would be to write what you want to write without worrying about the end result too much. I wrote plays for a while, then that phase stopped for me. For others it is the best way for them to express themselves.

      As for making a story develop, give the characters hurdles and challenges. Make them do something. Think about how what a character does makes them who they are.

      Hope these little tips are helpful!


  52. Sara Davidson says:

    Hi Alice,
    My name is Sara Davidson and I am the coordinator for the Young Authors’ Conference in Whitehorse. I would like to invite you to attend this year. Please contact me for details at your earliest convenience.
    Thank you,

  53. Mikaella An says:

    Hello Miss Kuipers. I’m using your book, “Life on the Refrigerator Door” and i wanted to know if it can be categorized as a novel in verse (poetry).
    Thank you, Mikaella

  54. Rosalind Bryan says:

    I first read ‘Life on the Refrigerator Door’ a couple of years ago. I would have never thought I would have to go through what the characters did.

    Sadly a month ago my mother passed away after courageously fighting cancer for the last 3 years. Reading this book again is very powerful and so truthful for a story that is in fact fiction. The reality of a daughter loosing their mother at such a young age is so painful (I am 22), the things later on in life that you cannot spend together. You really have captured how it feels and I think I am going to start writing letters to my mum, as I just want to tell her everything just like Clare. The last two letters just reduce me to tears as I truly feel I want to say the same to my mum. Thank you so much.

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thank you so much for your comment. I’m sorry for your loss. It is so very recent for you and I’m sorry you have to deal with such a loss so young. My thoughts are with you. Ali x

  55. Lori Betz says:

    I am sending out this email to everyone who participated in 2008 in the book donation for the Pink Ribbon Angles Relay For Life event and also to some new authors.

    I am a member of a relay team called the Pink Ribbon Angels and also a 5 year breast cancer survivor. I am requesting donations of signed books to be raffled/auctioned off to raise money for the Relay for Life event. Since I love to read, I thought this was a great way to raise money for a worthy charity to fight cancer, which affects everyone in some way.

    I am sure that you receive many requests but I hope you will be able to help me raise money for this worthy cause by donating a few signed copies of your books. I know the economy is bad, but that makes it all the more important to raise money for a charity that does so much to help those with cancer who cannot afford things themselves.

    The book fundraiser did really well in the past and I have gotten a lot of feedback on how excited everyone is that I am bringing it back this year. It wouldn’t be possible without all of you wonderful authors and publishers that give from the heart. I am going to be participating in this years Relay as both a team member and a survivor. It is scheduled for June 22nd. If you would be interested in donating books to this event, you may mail the books to me at my home address listed below. I will need to receive the donations by the beginning of March so I have time to log them, etc.

    I hope that you will want to participate in this worthy cause and any donation would be appreciated. Please respond by email so that I know what to expect.

    My email address is and my home address is 3809 Teak Drive, Northampton PA 18067.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. With your participation, we can join forces to help those suffering from cancer and to making cancer a thing of the past.

    Lori Betz

  56. Rachel Thompson says:

    Hello Alice,

    Room magazine—Canada’s oldest literary journal by and about women—would like to feature you in our upcoming issue Crime. Are you available for an interview, virtually either via Skype, phone, or email, this month?

    Thank you,
    Editor, Room 36.2, Crime
    Twitter: @RachelThompson

  57. Zainab Hussain says:

    Hi Alice

    I loved your book ‘Life on the Refrigerator Door’ and it was one of the first books I had read in an extremely long time as I am not that passionate about reading. However I throughly enjoyed this book and found it was a great read therefore I have chosen it for my english book project! I love writing however do not enjoy reading as much! I was wondering if you would be able to help me with my book review project as I am extremely confused as to where to even begin! I love your books and look forward to reading more, keep writing!

    Zainab :)xx

  58. Zainab Hussain says:

    Hi Alice

    This is quite unusual for me actually as im not a very keen reader at all and have been searching for a long time for a book that I would actually enjoy. I love english very much however I am not as passionate about reading! I read Life on the Refrigerator door, which I found was an extraordinary book which changed my thoughts of reading, I loved it! One of our tasks in English this term is to create a book project on a book you have read recently and enjoyed, due to the fact that I loved Life on the Refrigerator Door this is the story I have chosen. I was wondering if you had any tips or you could help me persuade people to read your stories, I have not really done anything like this before so im extremely confused as to where to start! I look forward to reading more of your books, keep writing! Thanks! :)x

  59. Rachel says:

    I just finished reading “Forty Things I Want To Tell You” and I loved it! Once I had finished I saw you had a website to provide blooming writters with advice and Top Tips just like Amy (a.k.a Bird) did in the book. I myself am an aspiring writter, but I haven’t written anything new for about 3 years because my schedule got so crammed in that time period. Now that I am about to graduate high school, I feel I have more time to focus on my writting. And your website is great to help me perfect and strengthen my mediocre writting skills. Thanks again!

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thanks very much. I’m glad you enjoyed the book and that you’re feeling you have more time for writing again – good luck with it.

  60. Allan Parson says:

    Hi Alice!
    I loved your “Winter Morning” writing prompt this morning. Here is something delightful that resulted (in my Grade 3 student’s own special interpetation and language):

    -its winter
    -pink sky
    -sleding hill
    -beautiful sky
    -My crismas tree
    -snowing hard
    -snowing lite

  61. laura says:

    hi, I’ve read your book ‘the worst thing she ever did’ (AKA Lost for words), and I really enjoyed it. Your like one of my favourite writer right now (along with Ally Carter, John Green and Malcolm Rose). I really want to read your other books now.

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thanks very much. It’s very nice to hear from you and I’m glad you enjoyed The Worst Thing She Ever Did.
      Warmest wishes,

  62. Jesse says:

    How do you pronounce your last name?

  63. Melissa Gilbert says:

    Hi! I’m writing an essay on The Worst Thing She Ever did and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer a few questions, like how do you believe your own life has filtered into your writing style and your stories or has it? And also what would be the hardest part of writing a novel? Thank you so much for your time, it’s greatly appreciated! Love your books :)

    • AliceKuipers says:

      I think any writer finds their own life seeping into their stories. That doesn’t always mean in terms of factual events, but emotionally a writer has to experience all sorts of things so they can find what they want to say on the page. In The Worst Thing She Ever Did the poems came from my as a teenager, the idea came from my own experience of panic disorder, and the story came from being in London during the bombing, although I wasn’t on the train but far away in the suburbs, safe and lucky, wondering ‘what if?’
      The hardest part of writing a novel is to accept that even when you’re tired of it, you have to keep editing it and rewriting it so that it merits the time and attention readers will give to it. I hope this helps!

  64. analee gonzalez says:

    i was wondering if u could help me persuade someone one to read ur book its fro my english project

  65. Mrs. Addley's grade 6 class says:

    We are reading your book Life on the Refrigerator Door, and think it is great. We hope we get to read more of your books. Keep writing.

  66. Diane Johnson - Canwood Community Public School says:

    Each year in Saskatchewan our Province proclaims one week in October as “Education Week”. This year it is being celebrated during the week of Oct. 15th – 21st and the theme is Learning Success Today…Leading Success Tomorrow. We are contacting you in the hopes that we might be able to arrange a visit from you to talk to our students about your books, life experiences, and literary tips.. We are a small Pre K – Grade 12 school with approx. 160 students. Canwood is about 1 and one half hours North of Saskatoon. If you do school presentation or if you are available during any of the week day dates (Monday – Friday)we would very much like to discuss this with you. Please let us know if this is a possibility and what costs etc. would be involved. Thank you so much for your consideration. We are excited to hear back from you.

    Diane Johnson – Canwood Community School Coordinato
    Box 370 Canwood, SK S0J 0K0 306 468 2150 Ext 246

  67. real estate marketing says:

    I seriously love your ideas and writing style. Keep writing!

  68. Doug says:

    I’m a film reveiwer and just watched Sarah Abbatt’s film “This Time Last Winter” based on your short story “location of the Imagination.” She did a fine job of bringing your story to the screen.


    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thanks very much, The final film was very different from the story – Sarah really made it her own. Glad you enjoyed it.

  69. Jean Parchewsky says:

    Hi, I am writing to see if you would be interested in attending an “event signing” at Indigo in conjunction with Word On the Street. I would love to collaborate with you to have a Meet and Greet either sometime that same week or on the Saturday prior. The signing would be about 2 hours, Thanks for your time, Jean

  70. Ellie says:

    Lovely book!

  71. i loved it says:

    it is a beutiful book i loved it

  72. Marina says:

    I recently found out about your books, but I have to say that the idea of “40 Things I Want to Tell You”, along with that brilliant cover really made me excited. In my country ( I’m from Romania ) none of your books is published, so I can’t really put my hands on one of them very soon. Even so, I’d read some excerpts on the Internet and I really liked them.
    So, because I own this little book blog, I was wondering if you won’t agree to answer me some question, like an interview. I really hope you will accept it, so other romanian people find out about your work.

  73. johanna says:

    Before i read the book i thought it wasen’t a good book but then when i had read it i thought it was a really good book i couldn’t stop reading it, it was so good.
    I read it in one day.
    The book makes me think about my family and that anything can happen to them and it made me understand that i shouldn’t fight with my family so much about small things.
    For example the family rules about staying out late at weekends, when i come home too late and things like that. We have discussions.
    What did you think about when you wrote this book ?

    • AliceKuipers says:

      When I write any of my books, I think about the characters and the relationships they have with their families. Sometimes when I’m writing, I want everyone just to get on and not fight, but I know that wouldn’t be true to the characters so I have to let them follow their own path. I’m glad you enjoyed the book.

  74. Deborah Mitton says:

    Hi, I wrote 500 words story for your workshop. Is it too late to submit?

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Not at all – just submit it on the Wattpad discussion thread (the link is in the post on Wattpad). I’m trying to read as much as possible!

  75. Rosabella says:

    Okay. Thanks! I’ll wait for your other tips :)

  76. Rosabella says:

    Hi maam Alice Kuipers! I’m just fourteen years old. But since when I was a kid, I already love to bring notebooks and write some observations on it that I noticed from other people. And now, I’m starting to write at Wattpad. I guess I need your advice for me to be a better writer.

    Thanks a lot!

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thanks! I hope the Wattpad course is helpful – I’m writing the next post today for Monday. I think having a notebook with you is a great way to make you a better writer – make sure you listen to things people say, you write down the details as they actually are rather than how you think they are (or how you’d like them to be), and take every opportunity to find the story within.

  77. Josh DeLaRoche says:

    Ok so I really enjoyed this book because the way it was written i thought was really intresting because it was something different. I was alittle upset about how the book ended, but all together it was really good.

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thanks, Josh. (I took out the four words when you told the end for anyone who hasn’t read it yet! ;-)) I was very glad to get your feedback. Ali

  78. Glory Nwora says:

    Hi i was wondering if any of your books were going to to be turned into a movie beavuse that would be a great idea.

  79. michelle says:

    Dear Alice, okay??
    I am a producer of theater productions and phaco 12 years, I read your book Life on the refrigerator door and loved it! I wonder if we could adapt it for a theater piece in Brazil, and would cost the copyrights by 03 years. IN Brazil usually have a value and then closed we allocated 10 percent of box office each day of the show for the author.
    No more waiting your return soon.
    Thank you

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Hi Michelle,
      I’ve replied directly to your email address. Thanks very much,

  80. jérôme Vincent says:

    Dear Mrs Kuipers
    I’m Jérôme Vincent, editor of, a french professional website.
    We would be very happy to issue an interview from you. If you agree with this, please let me know at your early convenience so that I can send you some questions for the interview.
    Thank you for consideration in this matter, and I’m looking forward to
    hearing from you soon.
    Best regards,

    • AliceKuipers says:

      I replied to your email address from my yahoo account (listed below in an earlier reply). You can also find me on Facebook.
      Warmest wishes,

  81. David says:

    Hello Alice,

    It is always a pleasure to hear you speak. Your ten tips for reading were thoughtful and entertaining.

    Here is the link to my blog where I publically wrestle with words.

  82. Birgitta Flodén says:

    Sorry, no Top Tip or prompt for other writers but a BIG thank you. Just found your page when looking around for information on you and your books as a friend and colleague recommended your book Life on the Refrigerator Door as perfect for my Swedish students learning English. And so I found this gem!

    With your permission I will use your tips, images and texts about writing in class for my students. A real inspiration and so pedagogical. You have just planned some of my lessons! In addition our next texts in English class are all about Canada. Spot on.

    Year 8 will be delighted as we have spent a lot of time since September 2010 on William Shakespeare working on an eTwinning project with King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon. So it is time to focus on something else as we will close the project in the summer. Writing texts with tips from a real writer. What could be more interesting.

    Warm regards

    Birgitta Flodén

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thanks, Birgitta. And please do use as many of the tips/prompts and ideas as you find to be helpful. That’s what they’re for, so of course you have my permission! Say hello to your Year 8s for me.
      Warmest wishes,

  83. hayley says:

    hey i was just want to say i love the book.
    is the book true
    because that iw aht happend with my really close friends ;(

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Hi Hayley,
      The story is made-up, but based on a lot of research which I did by reading, watching videos and talking to people who had gone through this. Thanks for letting me know you loved the book! Ali

  84. Janice Cook says:

    Hi Alice,
    I would like to speak to you about a project I’m working on, but I’m unable to find a current email address for you…last one I used to talk to you was at sasklibrary. Do you have a current contact I can use?
    Thank You ,
    Janice Cook

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Hi Janice
      My email address is or you can find me on Facebook.
      Sorry not to get back to you until today, I spend Fridays and the weekends with my little guys and I don’t get much computer time in!

  85. Genevieve says:

    Hi Alice,
    I haven’t read Life on the Refrigerator Door yet, but I just finished reading The Worst Thing She Ever Did. It was an incredibly meaningful book to me. It was similar to something that I went through and reading it helped to open my eyes. Since reading this book, I have tried going back to writing in an old journal that I have, and so far it’s really helped. Thanks so much for writing this book, it really helped me through a difficult time.

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Thank you for letting me know. I find writing helps me think and rethink all sorts of things so I’m glad you’ve pulled out your old journal. Warmest wishes and good luck. Ali

  86. Leona says:

    Hi Ali. Thanks for the shout-out. I like the advice you offered at Stuck in YA Books: “Just write.” So simple, so true.

  87. Pippa says:

    alice, i think many of the readers of Life on the Refrigerator Door feel the same as i do, as i can see from the comments they do. I am 13 and i also have dyslexia, Life on the refrigerator door is the only book i have been able to read on my own with out getting my mum to read it out, or just completely missing the point of the story after not under standing most of the words. Life on the Refrigerator Door has really helped me to start looking for books that i can read without worrieing about not being able to finish it. It is such a meaning full book and i really enjoyed reading it (Twice!). I am doing a presentaition on the book in school for english, if you could give me any tips or even a quote i can use, i would really appreciate it!

    thank you,

    • AliceKuipers says:

      Hi Pippa,
      Thanks so much for writing and letting me know you enjoyed Life on the Refrigerator Door. I hope your presentation goes well. How about this as a tip for you to use in your presentation: read anything you can, be it a novel or a shampoo bottle. That’s how I grew to love reading and I think everyone should feel free to read whatever they want.
      You’re obviously very hard working and I wish you great success in whatever you do.
      Warmest wishes,

  88. AliceKuipers says:

    Thank you very much, Rachel!

  89. AliceKuipers says:

    Paige, your note is wonderful for a writer to read. Thank you so much for letting me know that Life On The Refrigerator Door is getting you started on a reading journey. The fact you are so determined is inspiring for the rest of us.

  90. Rachel says:

    This is a great book which effected me a lot! I’ve start hugging my mom more often, and I’ve learned to appreciate the time I got with her.
    I loosed some tears at the end of the book just like many others did, and that means that this is a truly great book to read.
    Now I’ve given it to my mom so she can read it as well !

  91. Paige Stewart says:

    life on the refrigerator door is the only book i have ever read cover to cover. i am 18 and i have dyslexia, ever since i can remember i have struggled to read and wright, but i have learnt to live with it and i know that the more i read and wright the easier it will come. this is more and thank you then anything, a thank you for a book that i could be engaged by but is also a easy read that i can keep up with. you are probably reading through this picking up my spelling and grammar mistakes but I’m sure you can understand what I am trying to say and thats all that maters.

    many thanks,
    Paige Taylor Stewart

  92. Rachel says:

    Hi Alice!
    This book is one of the best I’ve ever read! It effected me a lot since it made me think about my mom, and how it would make me feel if anything will ever happen to her. I am also 15 and having a boyfriend. And I’m busy with school and handball, so it’s not so often that I see my mom.
    After I read the book I start hugging my mom more often, and it made me appreciate life even more! Close to the end of the book I just had to loose some tears… So this is a really great book !

  93. Nicole Clapson says:

    Hi Alice! You came to my school today (Red Wing School) adnd you inspired me to write a novel and to become a author! Thanks so much Alice!

  94. Nicole says:

    Hi Alice!!!! You came to my school today (Red Wing School) and inspired me to write a novel and to become a author just like you! Thank you sooooooo much Alice!!

  95. AliceKuipers says:

    Hi Zara,
    When I first set up this site, I wrote ten tips to help writers get published (have a look in the tips section in the top right hand corner of the home page). I think the best thing to do is to keep sending work out, to listen to feedback, to expect rejection, to write as if no-one is ever going to read it and then to edit more times than you first thought possible. One day (hopefully soon) publishers will give you more positive feedback, maybe even asking to read more of your work. Oh, and always make sure you send your writing to the places that publish your sort of work – there’s no point asking a romance publisher to publish your YA fantasy novel, for example! Good luck!

  96. Zara Hoffman says:

    I’m a young aspiring author, do you have any advice for those trying to break into the publishing world?

  97. Lily says:

    It is a very nice novel!!! I love it very much because it’s a short novel expressing complicated thoughts and relationships…

  98. Beáta Siklósi says:

    Life on the Refrigerator Door is indeed a great book! I am also one of those who cried while reading. And when I started to read it I couldn’t put it down till I finished it. I hope I will never be in a situation like the girl from the book.
    Greetings from Croatia

  99. Alice Kuipers says:

    Thank you for telling me how the book made you feel. Warmest wishes,
    Alice Kuipers

  100. Anonymous says:

    This book was the best book i have ever read!
    Could not put it down!

  101. Anonymous says:

    a book that i had no idea where it was going, but when it finished i was just sittting there crying. emotional and just amazing book.

  102. Anonymous says:

    Dear Frabes, if your reading this we’re all behind you. We are so sorry about what happened to your dad and want you to know we think you’re coping so well! Be the big brave girl you are, good luck x

  103. Anonymous says:

    It made me cry!
    Every time my mom goes out, I kiss her and hug her. And that’s not usual for me or her!and when she comes back, I kiss her and hug her again and ask her about her day, I make her tell me every exact thing happened to her. I’m just scared that one day something happens to her.

  104. Anonymous says:

    The book i thought i would never read.

    this book is the greatest book i have read, i love the whole concept of the book and the way it is written. and i just want to say whoever this has happened to i think about you and hope the best for you mums and family. Life on the refigerator door has been a great book which i love reading, i read this book a long time ago and i still do because it’s just so wonderful.

  105. Anonymous says:

    It is a sad but true book. My mother died of cancer in early Jan 2012. I read this book in one evening and cried when I have realised what this was about. It is absolutely true – this happens in real life.

    When I read PS I love you, I cry because I miss my mother

  106. Anonymous says:

    I feel the same way about my mother when I read this book.

    My mom died in January this year. I cried when I read PS I Love you

  107. Anonymous says:

    It was great I’m 12 year old and I enjoyed a lot!

  108. Anonymous says:

    i thought this was an amazing book. it made me put my self in her shoes. suchhh a great bookkk!! :)

  109. Anonymous says:

    I love this book soooooooooo much! I have read it at least 5 times, it never gets old! I am sorry to you all who have lost their mums’. I’ll think of you…

  110. Anonymous says:

    Amazing. I love this book i have read it 4 times and am about to read it again it is a very heart warming story which will never get old!
    Kfr x

  111. Anonymous says:

    right after i read the book for the first time.. my granma was diagnosed with breast cancer. i freaked out over that cause id just read this sad story. but luckyly today my granmas fine and im supposed to introduce the book to my class. Im really excited ♥
    I love the book and its story. ever since i bought it i read the book every year at least twice ♥

  112. Anonymous says:

    Mum. I love you so much, and reading this book made me miss you more:-( You still feel so alive to me, and i love you forever and ever and ever. Nothing will ever make me forget you, love you trillions mopsicile xxxxxxxxxxx

  113. Anonymous says:

    Lost my mum to cancer 5 yrs ago. Gee I miss her and her stupid jokes.
    She stuck them all in a scrap book for me. YAY!!!
    Cherish every moment you have your loved ones.

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